The day God breathed life into me

It’s pretty fun telling everyone I just turned 18 whenever they ask me how old I am.

Then again, perhaps it’s that age insecurity thing that so many of us women fall into when we hit the late 20s. We put all sorts of restrictions on ourselves, and then we start using them as convenient excuses.

“I’m too old to dance, too old to dream and I gotta be realistic.”

“I used to be that energetic and friendly.” (points lazily at the 19yr old gal who is busy talking to everyone else in the room)

“I’ll be left on a shelf if I don’t find a boy soon, and yeah, my eggs are dying.” (This is one of the most hilarious ones I’ve heard from my guy pals)

Anyway, I’m getting tired of convincing myself that I’m getting too old to dance, and I’m incomplete ‘cuz I ain’t got someone special who I’m getting married to before i hit 30, and that I’m quite incompetent for not having it all figured out in my career direction.

My wish for this year?

To learn to breathe slowly and deeply each time I open my eyes to a new day. To be focused and be excellent with what I have in my hands right now. To love God without stating my terms and conditions, and let Him love me to bits.

I wonder what God was thinking about when He first breathed life into me?

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My friends made February an incredibly sweet month for me. Really sweet surprises on my birthday from my dance friends, and lovely presents all the way from Singapore. Oh… I hesitated to open each big parcel I got through the post, ‘cuz I wanted to savor the moment I held it in my hands, and know that I meant something to the person who bothered to spent all that money and effort to love me in this way.

My first attempt at cooking Hainanese chicken rice for the dancers. Wanted to bless them with a lil' Singaporean flava'! They loved the ginger sauce. (Thank you Prima Taste!)
This is Tiia and the lovely bowl of fruits and the lip-smacking cream/chocolate/biscuit cake the YWAM Hospitality made for me.
Holly blessed me with a latte πŸ™‚
Presents galore! The earrings were such a blessing because I didn't bring any jewellery here. I can sparkle again πŸ˜‰ And the book is a hilarious read! Debbie gal u rock!
I got treated to some locally-brewed beer at Tamarack Brewing Company, and I got a free Pizza Dough. Oh yeah~... I love birthdays.
Look at what Peishan got me! It was like the Chinese New Year atmosphere just wafted to Lakeside through the mail. πŸ™‚ I got those little dollies up on my wall now.
Chinese New YR goodies from Peishan.. and she even took time to explain the ingredients for each one. I feel the love, sister!
Kombucha! My friend, Arli taught me how to drink this fermented chinese tea that is apparently great for your health. It tastes deliciously funky.
Look at what Yun got me! An uber hot beanie to brave the snow and a declaration of love... hahaha. (Just got my bangs this week... kinda like the change)
Shan just knows my colour sense so well... I'm modeling for Shan's apparel. The bag is such a treat!
I got a lovely white Baby G Shock and loads of spice pastes thru' the mail this week. What a blessing... there's a problem with my old watch strap, so this was so timely. Utterly blessed!

Avocados I see, I taste, I love

This may be strange to some, but I have been very much captivated by avocados of late. It’s always been one of my favorite food since I found out how nutritious it is (it has good fats and loads of vitamins!) and how it gives you a nice complexion (hehe). But after finding out that they are cheaper hereΒ  in the US (USD$1 or less for one), I have been snacking so much more on them. Putting them in sandwiches together with gournay cheese and meat, tossing them in my salads, or just eating them alone with pepper and salt… I’m crazy about them! The coolest thing is, avocados go well with almost any kind of fresh food, in my opinion : D

Here are some fun facts I found out about this fascinating fruit…

1.Β  The word ‘avocado’ comes from the Nahuatl word ahuacatl (‘testicle’, a reference to the shape of the fruit)… Hahahaha!

2. It’s known as the ‘fertility food’ by Aztecs. ^^

3. It’s also called the butter pear or alligator pear.

4.The avocado is a climateric fruit, which means that it matures on the tree but ripens only when it is off the tree.

5. It is native to the Caribbean, Mexico, South America and Central America. (More reasons to love the Hispanic culture!!)

6. My friend from Rwanda told me that the avocados in his country are at least 2 times the size of the usual ones you get in the supermarket, and tons cheaper (wow.. I would love to get my hands on one).

7. Although there are close to 500 varieties of avocados, seven varieties are grown commercially in California, and the Hass variety accounts for approximately 95% of the total crop.

8. Avocados are sodium- and cholesterol-free and have only five grams of fat per serving, most of it the monounsaturated kind.

9. Avocados were once a luxury food reserved for the tables of royalty, but now Californian Avocados are enjoyed around the world by people from all walks of life.

10. Brazilians add avocados to ice cream (!!!)

11. Filipinos puree avocados with sugar and milk for a dessert drink. It’s like how we Singaporeans use avocados in milkshakes with gula melaka (palm sugar)! My American friends thought it quite strange that we use avocados that way. πŸ™‚

Next recipe to try out… GUACAMOLE!!!

The fruit of the year!